Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Beach House

My family's life is extremely busy....whose isn't?  So just like this post took forever in coming, we took forever moving our project along.  We discussed how busy we were, how overwhelmed we still were from all that had been going on for the past 6 months and how our family was dealing with it all; each one of us was dealing with the deaths of our family members quite differently and it was taking a toll on everyone of us.  How were we going to bring peace to our family?  We were expecting 2 girls from Japan in only three weeks and we were not ready for them, physically nor mentally.  Evan and I made an executive decision, as many parents must do, and came to the conclusion that we were going to let the exchange company know that we couldn't host this month and we would let them know about having the Chinese boys in July.  With this off our shoulders, we then proceeded with our decision to create an Americana room.

 After several days of waiting for a time when the whole family could participate, we weren't getting anywhere.  I had tons of homework and just didn't have the time on top of everything else I was doing to stop and clean out our messy room or even supervise the kids to do it.  Finally, one day, out of frustration I think, Evan just started cleaning things out.  He moved the boxes into the game room and family room for us to look in as soon as we had a chance, and then he started moving out the furniture.

The one thing we disagreed on was the loft bed.  The loft bed was something Evan had built for our oldest daughter, Shirstin, many years ago and it was seriously the coolest piece of furniture we had in the house.  It was well used, and created space in a room that was built too small to begin with.  I felt that it was time to take it down.  I felt that it made the room look smaller because of its size and limited the way the space under it could be used.  Evan felt that it was still usable and we could utilize the space under it by creating a bunk bed under it.  This would help us when we had our foreign students because we sometimes have 2 at a time, but I was feeling it was overbearing in that room.  Evan had a good point, though, so I was sure it would stay and was okay with that decision.  Imagine my surprise when, as he was clearing out the boxes and other furniture, he also took down the loft bed!

It was getting pretty late by now, but my husband is a doer.  He cannot rest until a project is done.  So on into the late evening, he prepped the room for new paint.  It was strange seeing the room bare.  I took some time to think about all that had transpired in that room over the 14 1/2 years we've lived in this house.  Of course, there is no way I could remember everything, but it was fun to remember at least some things, like the time I had both my girls in this room and I would sing them to sleep.  I wanted them to be familiar with the hymns that were sung in church so I would start at one end of the hymn book and sing every song I knew until we finally finished with it several nights later.  I also remember the messes in that room and the fighting to get it cleaned up, and the bribing, and the pleading, and the finally doing it myself.  I remembered the laughter of the girls as they played together.  I remembered the arguing as they fought like sisters sometimes do.  When Shirstin had this room to herself, she made her own "art studio" under the bed and set up her easel so she could paint whenever she was inspired.  She had gotten paint splatters on the newly painted lavendar walls, but I didn't get mad nor did I try to clean it.  They were a part of her that I wanted to remember. I then remembered when she moved out and my youngest son, Bryant, moved in to claim the loft bed as his.  I was so afraid he would fall out despite the railing in place.  I'm sure he wasn't the first one to launch himself off the bed deliberately to land in a pile of clothing or blankets and pillows only to climb up and do it again.  Now, here we were getting ready to start a new phase in our lives.  Preparing this room for children that weren't our own to find peace and joy in a place unfamiliar to them.

The next day, Evan and Chelise went to the store and got some paint and he started right away painting the walls the off white we had chosen and then the closet door blue and the trim around it red.  He had me come take a look.  We both stood there and looked.  And looked.  And wondered what the other was thinking.  I thought it looked okay, but something wasn't quite right.  He felt the same.  We stopped for the evening and the next day had another little talk. 

Evan asked me if I could do the room anyway I wanted, how would I do it.  Forget foreign students, or guest room, and just think about how I would want a study room; the main purpose of this room after all was to be my study room and only secondly would it be a guest room.  It didn't take me more than a few minutes to explain what I was hoping for- a room that would feel like I was on the beach.  Not just any beach, with people in swim suits and playing volleyball and little shops lining the pier.  Nor did I want a beach like one you might find in New England with boats and fishing nets and seagulls, and cold winds blowing in the grasses.  No, I wanted a beach that was empty of any man made thing.  One where the sun was shining and warm.  One where only the sound of the surf was present and where one could lay on the warm sand soaking up the rays of the sun.  One where a person could find not only seashells in abundance, but also peace and quiet to think one's thoughts  and ponder on the beauty of the surroundings.  I didn't need to say any more.  The decision was made.  We were going to do a beach house!

I pulled my daughter, Chelise, in to help me with the colors.  We all decided that the walls would stay the same color since they were just newly painted.  Chelise came up with the perfect color scheme for the rest of the room.  I didn't even need to think about it, it just felt right!  We painted the doors blue- the kind of clear blue you would see near a tropical beach.  The same kind of blue we saw when we went to the Blue Lagoon in Jamaica.  The trim around the doors and the baseboards we painted green.  A sea green.  One that reminds me of another beach in Jamaica where the sand can be seen under the shallow waters of the Carribean.  A place I found relaxing and joyful despite the chaos surrounding it.  The colors were a brilliant idea!  I love them!

After we got the room painted, or I should say, after Evan got the room painted, we started moving things in.  We put in a desk that was in my older son's room, but he no longer wanted it.  It is small and white, but we will paint the fronts of the drawers the green color to match the trim.  We also left in the bookshelf that was originally in the room.  We wanted a bed since it is the guest room, but didn't have one we were excited to put in it.  Evan hunted around on KSL and found a beautiful, white daybed that matches the room well.  We found a bedspread with yellow on one side, but almost the same green as the trim on the other side!  We went back to Tai Pan and found many items to use as decoration, but we really didn't have much to put them on.  The walls were bare, too, and needed something to complete the beach house look.  We went to IKEA and found a picture and some decals to put on the wall, but nothing else that really stood out.

 After about a week, Evan told me we were going to take a look at some antique shops in Springville.  We wandered the aisles and finally found the two things that make that room!  One was a window frame complete with 6 panes.  Someone had taken this off some old house and was selling it as is.  We liked the idea of putting it on the wall with a picture of a beach behind it and use it as art work.  It looks like you are actually looking out a window at the surf.  The best part about it is that it is painted a light grayish green and matches the look we wanted!  The second item we found was an old crate made of wood and metal that is painted a light blue and again matches the look!  We completed the room with some shells we've collected over the years, some lighthouses and other knick-knacks we've had, some pictures of my sister and my niece and nephew on the beach, and an heirloom rocking chair that has been in my family for generations.  It is stripped of paint (my dad had meant to redo it before he passed away, but never got around to it) and looks perfect as it is! 

So, our room is nearly finished and only needs a couple more things to be hung up and an underbed set of drawers.  I am also looking for a great sound track with ocean sounds.  When I go into my Beach House, I am doing my homework or folding laundry, but it is relaxing to me.  I can feel like I am near the ocean away from all my troubles and worries.  I love my new room.  I love that my family has taken to calling it "the Beach House."  I love that I have somewhere to go to wind down and relax.


  1. Wow! That room looks so good! Really, I love what you guys did with it and I loved reading the story about how it all came about. I think the window pane with the beach scene is my favorite part.

  2. Love it Wendi! Turned out just great...looks very relaxing and I think you all made the right decisions here. Great Room and great idea!
